Our self image The image we have about our self and our capabilities is going through a daily trial. Both by others and by ourselves. This image determines the level of our self esteem and self confidence. The opinion of others about us All the people we know, have formed an opinion about us. It…
Posts Published bymstratakis
Mindfulness exercises
Mindfulness and relaxation exercises The following mindfulness exercises will help you sharpen your observation and augment your cognizance. They will help you kick away the tension of the day and relax your body and mind. Select those that suit you best and perform them a few times a day. 1. ⏳ Mindfulness exercises: Simple meditations…
Mindfulness and awareness sharpening games
Exercise: Mindfulness and awareness games Play as many of these mindfulness and awareness games, as you can. Learn to bring yourself to the here and now. In the long term, they will help you gain a better perception of your body and of the environment, which is very important for a calm and pleasant life….
Set your SMART goals.. SMARTER!
SMART goals: are you setting real goals or just exercising your wishful thinking? Sometimes we believe we have placed goals in our life, while if they are not SMART, we are only doing some wishful thinking. The SMART goal setting methodology can help us ensure that our goals are actually… goals! It states that every…
Gratitude Jar: Empower your gratitude muscles!
What you will need for the Gratitude Jar A large jar Small-size paper or post-it notes Lots of.. gratitude Exercise Perform one or both of the drills below on a daily basis: Firstly, think of a person to whom you would like to express your gratitude for something good he did for you, or for…
The four learning stages: Learn how you.. learn!
The Four Stages of Learning The Knowledge Ladder Unconscious Ignorance Our learning process goes through four stages. In the initial stage, the Unconscious Ignorance, something is completely unknown to us. We are not even aware of its existence. For example, you do not know that there exists a particular type of insect deep in the…
Use the Wheel of Emotions to enrich your emotional vocabulary!
The Wheel of Emotions Robert Plutchik, with his excellent work on the wheel of emotions, has produced this great diagram. It depicts brilliantly some of the interrelationships among them: Exercise: Study the wheel of emotions Spend some time to study the above diagram. Then, try to understand how the emotions interact and interrelate. This will…
Ikigai: Find the real reason you exist in life!
The reason for being Ikigai is a Japanese concept, meaning the reason for being. It’s a great tool to provide us with the desired clarity in order to understand what we want to do in life, what exactly is our right place in the society. It takes a while, but it surely works! How do…
Improve your life quality with the Cantril Ladder!
Cantril Ladder: the ladder of life A first step towards improving drastically your life quality Quality of life and consequently happiness levels, can actually be measured! One simple way to do this is with the help of the Cantril Ladder. It allows us to see where we stand now and where we want to be…
Wheel of Life: See the big picture of your life
Wheel of Life The Wheel of Life is a powerful coaching tool. It provides an effective way to see the big picture of your life. It helps us to visualize how we spend our energy and time across its most important areas. We often focus too intensely in one area and overlook some of the…