Browsing CategoryLife

Is your type of attention deep or wide?

Deep or wide type of attention? All people could be split in two different categories: those who agree that people could be split in two categories and those who don’t Just kidding, we are only checking to see if we have your attention. Here we go again: All people could be split in two different…

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Self-sabotage: Stop shooting your feet!

Discover how you self-sabotage Self-sabotage is so common in life. As if life not bringing us enough problems, sometimes we make it more difficult by creating our own. Our mind can take the role of our strongest ally but also our worst saboteur. It can push us forward or it can pull us back. Saboteurs…

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Personal growth and our two selves

Personal growth and our two selves We all have two selves. Our present and our future self. When the first comes closer to the second, we call it personal growth. Our life seems to be an endless dance between our present and future self. The present one follows the steps of the future. But whenever…

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The 12 Common Archetypes

Where do archetypes come from? The archetypes have developed through the centuries since the first societies. In ancient Greek, the word archetype means initial type. Carl Jung was the first to articulate a coherent theory about the influence of the archetypes in human personality. Common archetypes We can identify 12 archetypes as common behavior patterns…

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Coaching: Frequently Asked Questions and Short Answers

What does a coaching session look like? In essence, a personal coaching session is a systematic discussion between two people: the Coach and the Client. Coaches support their clients to think in an open, innovative and inspiring way. As a result, they will find better solutions to the problems they face. More importantly, they create…

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The Happiness Cocktail

Is there a recipe that determines how happy we can be? Why some people seem to be happier than others? What are exactly the ingredients of happiness? Is it money, beauty, health, education or genes? Unquestionably, all of these play a role. Do we have a saying in our personal happiness? Sonja Lyubomirsky’s research in…

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What is your Response Style?

Response Style in Communication Our response style plays an important role in our communication with people. Builds or destroys our relations in work, family or friendships. Finding our own, gives us the necessary awareness in order to change it, if we need to. It also helps us understand other people responses to us. There are…

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