What exactly is a comfort zone? The comfort zone is the known, the familiar, this which we can do automatically, without too much thought, without too much difficulty. It is where we feel comfortable, sheltered and pleasant. Wherever we feel that we are not in any danger. Where we do not need to try, therefore…
Posts Published bymstratakis
Improve your life and work using the Pareto principle!
The Pareto Principle (80-20 rule) Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist realized that 80% of his country’s wealth was held by 20% of the Italian population. It didn’t take long for him to understand that this was true, not only for Italy but also for the rest of the world. On top of that, it was…
Τime management with the Eisenhower Matrix
Is the time in our day enough? Time is one of the most democratic things on the planet. Not intelligence. Neither money. Not even health or beauty. Not happiness. Time! Everybody has 24 hours. If you think about it, time is our most important asset. We start off as babies, having all the time of…
The Happiness Cocktail
Is there a recipe that determines how happy we can be? Why some people seem to be happier than others? What are exactly the ingredients of happiness? Is it money, beauty, health, education or genes? Unquestionably, all of these play a role. Do we have a saying in our personal happiness? Sonja Lyubomirsky’s research in…
A strong realisation towards self knowledge with the Johari Window
The Johari Window The Johari Window is a great self awareness tool. It is named after the first names of the two psychologists who have invented it, Joseph Lufft and Ηarry Ingam. This tool can help us discover important aspects of ourselves with emphasis in critical skills such as behavior, empathy, team cooperation and personal…
What is your Response Style?
Response Style in Communication Our response style plays an important role in our communication with people. Builds or destroys our relations in work, family or friendships. Finding our own, gives us the necessary awareness in order to change it, if we need to. It also helps us understand other people responses to us. There are…
How often do you experience Flow?
The state of Flow We have all been involved in activities where we have intense concentration and total commitment. During these activities we feel that we are very competent. We have complete control of the situation. Our skills operate to the fullest. The sense of time, as well as any negative emotions disappear. We are…
How aligned is your life with your Personal Core Values?
What is the difference between our principles and our values? Our personal values are hidden deep in our mind. Spending some time to discover them, allows us to see which aspects of our life are aligned with them and which are in some kind of conflict! Principles Our principles are pushed to us by others,…
The four stages of life: Which are you living in now?
The Four Stages of Life Carl Jung identified four distinct life stages in all people’s lives. These stages have nothing to do with what we do for living, how old we are, what we have achieved or how much money we make. Mainly, they are about our most important interests and goals. Also, these stages…
How high is your Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence We once thought that IQ was the magic bullet for success in life. However, this is no longer considered to be true. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) seems to be the most important factor determining how successful someone will become. EQ and IQ According to the work of Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence contributes an 80%…