Browsing CategoryLife

How often do you experience Flow?

The state of Flow We have all been involved in activities where we have intense concentration and total commitment. During these activities we feel that we are very competent. We have complete control of the situation. Our skills operate to the fullest. The sense of time, as well as any negative emotions disappear. We are…

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How high is your Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence We once thought that IQ was the magic bullet for success in life. However, this is no longer considered to be true. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) seems to be the most important factor determining how successful someone will become. EQ and IQ According to the work of Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence contributes an 80%…

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Self esteem and self image

Our self image The image we have about our self and our capabilities is going through a daily trial. Both by others and by ourselves. This image determines the level of our self esteem and self confidence. The opinion of others about us All the people we know, have formed an opinion about us. It…

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Mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness and relaxation exercises The following mindfulness exercises will help you sharpen your observation and augment your cognizance. They will help you kick away the tension of the day and relax your body and mind. Select those that suit you best and perform them a few times a day. 1. ⏳ Mindfulness exercises: Simple meditations…

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Set your SMART goals.. SMARTER!

SMART goals: are you setting real goals or just exercising your wishful thinking? Sometimes we believe we have placed goals in our life, while if they are not SMART, we are only doing some wishful thinking. The SMART goal setting methodology can help us ensure that our goals are actually… goals! It states that every…

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